A Timeline Of African Leaders

In the featured image of this post is a painting of Toussaint L’Ouverture but I encourage you to do independent research on him and the Haitian Revolution. At a later date I may cover his efforts as it connects Marcus Garvey to the leaders I’ll be discussing today. But for now I present to you a small timeline of African leaders. I was tired of African leaders being used on me to advocate ignorance. Maybe today’s post will help you to educate your brothers and sisters.

Malcolm X: Murdered For Implementing The Art Of War


I’ve discussed Marcus Garvey in the past because most of our awakenings happen once people study this man. He continues to prove one of the most influential leaders in the African community at large. Whenever people are introduced to his legacy, they start to show a heightened sense of awareness that is seemingly contagious. In this case, Malcolm Little’s father [Reverend Earl Little] helped to organize Marcus Garvey’s United Negro Improvement Association (U.N.I.A.). This is where Alex Haley’s ‘The Autobiography of Malcolm X’ begins.

Malcolm’s life is an interesting one to note because he was able to relate to the ‘uneducated’ masses while still being more knowledgeable than the most scholarly academic in matters of race. After going to Mecca (and also Africa) to meet with Eastern leaders, he came back to America with what seemed to be a different agenda. Shortly after his return as el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz, he was assassinated. If you’ve read the aforementioned book, you’d know that Malcolm’s death is highly debated and some people believe that Louis Farrakhan was responsible for his untimely demise. I, however, would offer an alternative theory.

It may be that Nation of Islam members were used to carry out the killing but there is more than enough proof to suggest that orders came from the American government. There is also enough evidence to suggest that Malcolm’s more peaceful approach to matters of race in America was a STRATEGIC move, not an ideological move. This would mean that he was trying to morph his image in a way to open up a political lane between himself and Martin Luther King Jr., in order to unite their causes and create a stronger movement.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr: Murdered For Waking Up, Not For Dreaming


Conversely, after the assassination of el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz, Martin Luther King Jr. began to awaken. For the next three years, Martin’s message would mature and he emboldened his actions. But before I talk about one of the most renowned yet misunderstood Black leaders in recent history, I must first address his origins.

He was actually born Michael King Jr. When Micheal was 5 his father [Micheal King Sr.] traveled to Germany and, inspired by the Protestant Martin Luther, changed his name and his son’s name accordingly. While receiving his doctorate in systematic theology Martin became interested in the pacifist philosophy of Ghandi, whom I refuse to call ‘Mahatma’ because he WAS NOT a saint. At the age of 26 Martin graduated from Moorehouse College and shortly after, he gave his first national address on voting rights which positioned him among the ranks of civil rights leaders. Throughout his life, Martin was arrested 29 times for trumped-up charges (like minor traffic violations) and civil disobedience. While being constantly harassed for his views, he continued to preach non-violence until a peculiar thing happened…

No one can say for sure what prompted Martin Luther King Jr. to change his message but if you follow his movements and speeches from 1965 to 1968, you will see that he started to speak on the economic propagation of racism. He discussed the redistribution of wealth and his clearly passive views of the past took a sharp turn into support of carrying firearms in self-defense, all this amidst the forming of the Black Panther Party in 1966. You see, this is what got him killed- not “I Have A Dream”… on December 8, 1999 a civil trial was held which found the U.S. government guilty of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Extensive evidence showed that there was a major conspiracy involving the Mafia, local, state and federal government agencies responsible for Martin’s death. James Earl Ray, who we are told was the shooter, was actually just a patsy.

Fred Hampton: Murdered For Building Better Communities


One year after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., the Black Panther Party was in full swing and so were the U.S. government’s counter intelligence agencies. The F.B.I. (whose original intentions were to stop the ‘threat’ of Marcus Garvey) had perfected their ability to infiltrate and breakup African organizations by this point. Many of their techniques were direct results of observing Black leaders and Fred Hampton was no exception.

Born August 30, 1948 Fred Hampton was a talented communicator who would soon become a member of the Black Panther Party at age 17 and eventually take on the position of deputy chairman. In the Illinois chapter of the Black Panther Party, Fred was extremely active. He went door to door in Chicago, signing up people for a community healthcare program (given room to grow this could’ve become huge). He started up, along with other BPP members, the first Free Breakfast For School Children Program which the U.S. government took and turned into the W.I.C. program. He was adamant about the ability of our community to protect itself and advocated the carrying of firearms. He was a man whose intelligence was beyond his years and this threatened the U.S. government greatly.

On December 4th 1969 at 4:00 a.m. in the morning, thanks to information from F.B.I. informant Mark Clark, Fred Hampton and his pregnant wife are shot in their own home. His wife survives the onslaught but Fred himself is executed and afterwards, none of the police officers involved are brought up on charges or convicted of any crime. The remaining Panthers are then arrested on trumped up charges (aggravated assault) and the Black Panther Party is quickly reduced to just a moment in time. Fred Hampton was only 21 when he was murdered.

Fred Hampton Explaining the Black Panther Philosophy

Tupac Shakur: Murdered For Promoting Sovereignty

Tupac Shakur on the set of Poetic Justice.
Tupac Shakur on the set of Poetic Justice.

One of my personal favorite African leaders, Tupac Shakur was born in June of 1971 to Black Panther Party member, Assata Shakur. This man inspired my first book report in elementary school and I continue to learn things from him even now. When Tupac was only 17 years old, he was interviewed in-depth and shows a mature brilliance that many people ignore when looking at his life. Most people focus on his embrace of ‘gangster culture’ when he moved to California, never batting an eye at his political awareness.

Raised by Assata Shakur, who was accused of shooting a police officer, Tupac learned from some of the greatest philosophers of all time. In one interview, you can see Machiavelli’s The Prince sitting on his bookshelf. Many people theorize that when he released an album under the moniker Makaveli it was a coded attempt to tell us that he would fake his own death, as suggested in writing by Niccolo Machiavelli.

I would actually like to suggest a different conspiracy. I don’t think he faked his death. I think he was killed because of the social power he wielded. Not only was he attempting to unify East Coast and West Coast communities through hip-hop, something that still hasn’t been done almost 20 years later, he was actually trying to build a sovereign nation. A nation that relied on its own currency, had its own independent structures and represented the free-thinking masses who could leave an oppressive system in favor of a more natural one. It was called The 1Nation Movement.

Whether he faked his own death or not, Tupac was always considered a poet and his messages were much deeper than gangster rap. This is what made him especially clever- he was able to hide messages like ‘The hurt you give little infants fucks everyone,’ under the acronym THUG LIFE. He was able to raise people’s consciousness with the music of the day, making poetic messages into musical masterpieces.

Here I’ve linked a radio appearance in which Tupac calls out (then Senator) Barack Obama and describes his effort to build a sovereign nation only months before being shot in 1996.

Muammar Gaddafi: Murdered For Uniting Africa

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In the West we were told that Muammar Gaddafi had to be taken out because he was a homicidal maniac. American media painted pictures of a ruthless dictator and justified their combined effort with the UN to TAKE HIM OUT. What you were not told is actually a much more complex and interesting story.

In the same year that 21 year old revolutionary Fred Hampton was murdered, Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi would take office in Libya. Most people would paint him as ‘Middle Eastern’ (this is just another way in which the Western world tries to minimize African influence) but the country of Libya is actually nestled between Egypt and Algeria, which are in Northern Africa. After forming a revolution within the Royal Military Academy of Libya, Gaddafi used his new found political power to stage a coup. Gaddafi had a vision of a unified Africa that could not be achieved because African leaders were often easily bought. He was disgusted by the many African leaders who had been put in positions of power by Western forces so that African resources could be taken for dirt cheap.

So Gaddafi began a campaign to unify all of the African continent… there are three major reasons that Gaddafi’s fate as an assassination target was sealed

  1. He was building Africa’s first central bank, owned and operated by Africans. He planned on getting African countries to take control of their own natural resources by creating an African currency called ‘the gold dinar’. That currency had the potential power to bankrupt many Western economies because it would actually be backed by resources, exposing modern currencies which are backed by debt.
  2. Gaddafi intended to unify the continent in a fashion similar to the United States of America. Now, our Mercator projection maps distort how big Africa is so that may seem very minor. However, Africa is HUGE and for that much land to be unified would obviously threaten other global powers…
  3. Along with these world economy shifting plans, Gaddafi refused to give Western powers access to his natural resources and he refused to let Western banks set up a central banking system in his country, at least until his economy had been built up. Under his rule, Libya went from being one of the least developed, least educated and most impoverished countries in the world to being one of the most prominent. A country whose soil is rich in oil, Libya became almost overnight, one of the most educated countries in Africa and also one of the wealthiest. This was because Gaddafi understood economics. He gave to his people many different government programs- for instance, the Libyan government gave out many automobiles (because their natural resource is oil, DUH) to its citizens. They provided free housing for its citizens. They provided free education for its citizens. Libya is now one of the most powerful countries in Africa.
  4. Gaddafi also planned to set up Africa’s first satellite communication system. This would cutoff Africa’s dependence on Western communication systems, thus cutting off profits and other benefits that had been gained under the banner of colonialism.

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